2022 G18 Conclave: OA Through The Decades

Conclave 2022 is truly going to be one for the books. It’s the first joint Conclave between G18N and G18S in over 4 years. Hosted at the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center, from September 16th to 8th, Arrowmen will get to experience the best fellowship in Central and Southern California. Sign up today and experience […]

W-4N Conclave 2021: Tiki Thunderbird Bash

All Arrowmen should go to the Section W-4N Conclave!  We welcome Arrowmen of all ages from every lodge. Even though it is the Section W-4N conclave, we always enjoy having Arrowmen from other sections as well. There really is something for everyone. If you are a new Arrowman, don’t be intimidated. Once you come to […]

NOAC 2022 Update

Important Noac 2022 Update: NOAC 2022 will be held at the University of tennessee on july 25-30,2022stay tuned! More details will be coming soon. CLICK FOR MORE INFO https://sectionw4n.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NOAC_2022.mp4

Virtual ACT

ACT Conference The 2020 ACT Conference will be held virtually on October 17 from 10:00 AM to 2:45 PM. ACT is an event for Lodges to adapt, collaborate, and focus on thriving. Lodge’s are invited to bring their Lodge Executive Committee, Chapter Officers, and any other Lodge Member who wishes to ACT and make an […]